
Why Fall Is the Perfect Time for a Total Body Skin Exam

Don't Let the Cooler Weather Fool You - Summer Skin Damage Needs Assessment

As the summer months wind down and we transition into fall, our schedules often start to shift. The hectic pace of summer vacations, outdoor adventures, and warm-weather activities gives way to a slower, more routine rhythm. With fewer distractions and commitments, fall provides an ideal opportunity to prioritize your health—particularly when it comes to skin care.

One important step you can take this season is scheduling a Total Body Skin Exam (TBSE), a crucial procedure for early detection of skin cancer and other dermatological concerns.

6 Reasons Why Fall is the Perfect Time to Book Your Screening: 

Reason 1: Summer Skin Damage Needs Assessment

After spending months in the sun, your skin has been exposed to increased levels of UV radiation. Even with regular use of sunscreen, the sun’s rays can cause significant skin damage, including sunburns, premature aging, and most importantly, an increased risk of skin cancer. Fall is an opportune time to have a professional assess your skin for any changes or abnormalities that may have developed during summer.

Skin cancer, including basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma, is most treatable when caught early. A TBSE allows a dermatologist to thoroughly examine your skin, head to toe, for suspicious moles, lesions, or other changes that could indicate the presence of skin cancer. By scheduling an exam in the fall, you can address any summer-induced skin concerns while the potential damage is still recent and fresh.

Reason 2: You Spend Less Time Outdoors in the Fall

The transition from summer to fall usually means spending more time indoors. As the temperatures drop, outdoor activities like beach trips, pool parties, and barbecues start to diminish. With fewer weekend getaways and outdoor plans, fall provides a calmer period for routine health checkups.

Scheduling a TBSE during this time takes advantage of the shift in your routine. Without the constant need to plan around vacations and outdoor activities, fall offers more flexibility in your schedule, allowing you to book an appointment at a time that’s convenient for you. This makes it easier to fit in a skin exam without the pressure of summer commitments.

Reason 3: Recover from Summer Sun Safely

One of the common misconceptions about sun exposure is that you’re only at risk during the summer. While it’s true that UV rays are stronger during the summer months, sun damage is cumulative, meaning it builds up over time. Even as we transition into fall, your skin may still be dealing with the lingering effects of months of exposure. By scheduling a TBSE in the fall, you give your dermatologist the chance to check for any delayed damage that might not have been visible right away.

Additionally, some individuals may develop delayed reactions to sun exposure, such as actinic keratosis or other precancerous skin conditions. Fall is the perfect time to catch these early, so they can be treated before progressing into something more serious. A TBSE can provide peace of mind after a summer spent enjoying the sun.

Reason 4: You Avoid the Summer Rush

Summertime tends to be packed with vacations, family gatherings, and outdoor events, often leaving little room for routine health appointments. Dermatology offices also see a spike in visits during the summer, as people rush to get their skin checked after noticing changes or concerns. By contrast, the fall months are generally less busy, allowing for easier access to appointments with dermatologists.

When you schedule your TBSE in the fall, you’re more likely to get an appointment that fits your schedule. Not only is this convenient, but it also means you can take your time discussing any concerns with your dermatologist without feeling rushed. This focused attention ensures you get a thorough exam, which can be critical for catching potential skin cancers early.

Reason 5: Start Your Year-End Health Check-In

As the end of the year approaches, many people begin to prioritize their health checkups, and your skin should be no exception. Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States, yet it’s also one of the most preventable and treatable when caught early. Scheduling a TBSE in the fall can be a proactive step toward protecting your overall health.

For those who have met their deductible or have health benefits to use up before the year ends, fall is the perfect time to ensure you’re taking advantage of your healthcare coverage. Incorporating a TBSE into your year-end health routine ensures that you’re on track with your preventative care before the holidays and the new year begin.

Reason 6: Prepare Your Skin for Cooler Weather

Fall also marks the beginning of cooler weather, which can bring about its own set of skin issues. Dry air, cold winds, and lower humidity levels can make your skin more susceptible to irritation, eczema, and other conditions. While you’re in the dermatologist’s office for your TBSE, you can also get advice on how to adjust your skincare routine for the colder months ahead.

Dermatologists can recommend treatments or products that will keep your skin healthy through the fall and winter. Catching any signs of skin cancer or skin damage now allows you to focus on maintaining a healthy, moisturized complexion throughout the colder seasons.

Schedule Your Fall Skin Check With Cumberland Skin

Fall is the perfect time for a Total Body Skin Exam. With fewer outdoor commitments, a less crowded dermatologist’s office, and the opportunity to assess summer skin damage, you can take this time to prioritize your skin health. Early detection of skin cancer can save lives, and there’s no better time than now to get the peace of mind that comes with a thorough skin exam.


Schedule Your Skin Cancer Screening at Cumberland Skin

If you’re overdue for a skin cancer screening or have never had one before, we urge you to reach out to our clinic and schedule a screening today. Our dermatology clinics are conveniently located in Lebanon, Hermitage, Hendersonville, and Spring Hill, Tennessee.

Skin Cancer General Dermatology Skin Exams