
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) for Acne Scars: Can It Help?

Uncover how effective PRP is when it comes to treating acne scars

Miracle treatment, the fountain of youth, liquid gold – these are just a few ways champions of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) sometimes describe it and with good reason. Platelet-rich plasma treatments can help speed natural healing, boost hair growth, and visibly improve the look and texture of skin, among many other benefits.
But what about issues like acne scars? How effective is PRP when it comes to treating those, and what should a potential patient expect from the experience?

Let’s dive into the answers to those questions, as well as a few other things you should know if you’re considering PRP as a way to address scarring.

What Is Platelet-Rich Plasma?

Platelet-rich plasma is a natural fluid made from a patient’s own blood. After the blood is drawn, it undergoes a process to separate its components and concentrate the platelets. Once the PRP is ready, a medical professional injects them into the patient’s target areas. Potential targets include the scalp and various regions of the face.

How and Why Do Acne Scars Occur?

Your skin naturally produces an oily substance called sebum to help it stay hydrated and lubricated. However, hormonal imbalances associated with key life phases like puberty can cause the skin to produce more sebum than it needs. When this occurs, the excess oil can become trapped in hair follicles along with dirt, bacteria, and other forms of debris, potentially causing acne.

Acne is your body's natural way of dealing with and purging impurities. But when acne heals, it can leave temporary marks behind, as well as pigmentation. In severe cases, it can permanently damage the deepest layers of the skin, resulting in various types of acne scars.

Can Platelet-Rich Plasma Treat Acne Scars?

If you know that PRP can help encourage healing and improve the texture of the skin, it makes sense to wonder whether it can also improve the appearance of acne scars.

Yes, platelet-rich plasma can help with acne scars, especially when combined with other treatments and therapies. Speak with a dermatologist or skincare expert at Cumberland Skin to get a better idea of whether PRP therapy is a good fit for you.

What to Expect from a PRP Treatment?

When you arrive for your appointment, a doctor or medical specialist will discuss any potential concerns or goals you might have regarding your acne scars. Then, they’ll draw a small amount of your blood.

After the blood is processed, it will be reinjected into the scarred areas previously earmarked for treatment. PRP treatments involve little to no discomfort and very quick recovery times. In fact, many people show up to complete their treatments during their lunch hours or while out and about doing other things.

PRP patients should also plan on maintaining the results of their treatments. In some cases, a series of initial sequential treatments are recommended. However, in all cases, maintenance is strongly recommended, and your doctor will discuss an optimal care schedule that aligns with your goals and lifestyle. (Follow-up treatment sessions every 6 to 12 months are typical.)

Are you ready to say goodbye to your acne scars and explore the benefits of platelet-rich plasma treatments for yourself? Schedule an appointment with Cumberland Skin to discuss your options.

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